Σέρβοι Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί διαδηλώνουν κατά ακραία βλάσφημων και προσβλητικών κίναιδων
Christians in Serbia clashed with police this weekend after demonstrating against a blasphemous and disgusting LGBT pride display mocking Jesus.
Some of the violence can be seen here as Christians show that there is a limit to their tolerance and politeness when faced against an existential threat to their faith:
Belgrade: Police and Christians clash at an LGBT parade after a mockery was made of Jesus Christ
It is being reported that police were forced to flee the scene after the devot Christians overpowered them. pic.twitter.com/HO813dTSgN
— Klaus Arminius (@Klaus_Arminius) September 17, 2022
Belgrade: Police and Christians clash at an LGBT parade after a mockery was made of Jesus Christ
It is being reported that police were forced to flee the scene after the devot Christians overpowered them. pic.twitter.com/HO813dTSgN
— Klaus Arminius (@Klaus_Arminius) September 17, 2022